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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Para para paradise 2nd mix -after playing experience

That day, I went to play some arcade game

Then i saw an arcade really nice, it was.....


How to play this game?

The gameplay of para para paradise is quite similar to other Konami music games. The cabinet untilizes an octagonal platform with motion detecting sensors above it. Players must trigger the sensors by moving their arms (or other body parts) under the sensors when a corresponding arrow reaches. There are 2 modes,Para Para mode, which guides the arrows through an actual routine for the song, and Freestyle mode, which utilizes more DDR-like patterns with 3 difficulty options, "Normal", "Hard","Expert".

Female Player dancing

Male Player dancing

A guide on how to play "Velfarre 2000" from "Para Para Paradise 2nd Mix"

Be sure to have fun when you play this arcade game, you will feel like you are dancing XDDDDD

For more information, please visit this website:

Para Para Paradise



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